Monday, June 13, 2005

Something in the Wind

February-April 2005

I… am not really sure what to say about this one. Very much a jumble of thoughts over a period. Originally, it owes something to “Suite – Judy Blue Eyes” but it didn’t stay songlike.

There is something in the wind
And in the January sky
That does not know me anymore
Than I know who I am today.

Yet I follow in my footsteps
Back where I have gone before
And find I’m wishing that the dawn was near at hand.

But I was born to be a gypsy
I was born to be a poet and a fool
And she was made to make me restless
Reckless wandering before the break of day.

Yet I follow in the green grass
Back where early morning sunshine
Will only make me turn my head away and wander on.

But I was born to hear the rhythm
Of the sunshine in the swaying trees
And though I know not who I am
I know more than I will ever find to say.

Yet I follow in the wilderness
Where her heartbeat moves the rivers
And the streams of time just might flow back to me.

There is something in the April rain
That tells me what I’ve left behind
And I wonder how it knows me
And if ever it will all come back my way.


June 2005

A statement of sorts. With a structure that is either complex or just sort of unstable, I can’t tell. This is one that’s had bits and pieces done for over a year, so it’s something of a composite of feelings. Also, it proves that I really just like playing with words.

I hold that the universe is
Inextricably inexplicable
To itself.

And our hold on the universe
Is amenably untenable
And not so firm
As it seems.

But we are not lost until we let it go
We are not blind until we see it so

And the universe holds with
Benevolent ambivalence
Something apart from us
And is stranger
Than it seems.

But there is no hope unless we cry
There is no faith unless we try
You wonder how and I’ll wonder why
But we cannot fall until we fly

And the universe keeps throwing
Unexpected undetected
Unbeliever’s miracles
At us.

Sunday, June 5, 2005

No Particular Night or Morning

June 4, 2005

The title comes from a Bradbury story about dying in space. This is slightly more optimistic, but it’s especially a good song for being up all night and confused as fuck.

I’ve got no sense of direction
I’ve got no sense of time
I’ve got no particular night or morning, night or morning,
Holding me down
Holding me down

You wake up to gray and don’t ask if it’s coming or going
Because you don’t really care and no one really knows
But still you think sunsets are beautiful
If that’s what it is or it isn’t, and if it isn’t, it’s all very fine.

I’ve got no sense of where I am
And no sense of home
I’ve got no particular night or morning, night or morning,
Lifting me up
Lifting me up

You go to bed in the half-light and call it a mystery
But mysteries are meant to be solved and you’ve given up
But still you think sunrise is wonderful
If that’s what it is or it isn’t, and if it isn’t, then that’s alright.

Rising, falling
Bathed in starlight
Drifting into dreams of untold intuitions
And journeys that end where they start
And I’ve got no particular night or morning, night or morning,
Guiding the way
Guiding the way