Thursday, June 15, 2006


June 2006

Sometimes they come out of nowhere. This one wasn’t really about anything until I had to come up with the third verse. The first two just sort of popped into my head while I was trying to focus on my CompSci project. Ah, procrastination by inspiration.

Bind it up in turquoise angles
Leave it on the mantel shelf
Call it fate or call it vision
Call it love or blind ambition
But it’s killing you and you don’t know why

Why try to make emptiness an altar?
Make a shadow on the ceiling into something more revealing
When you could just be living all along

But you roll it up in wrapping paper
Throw it in the wishing well
Call it fame or call it fortune
Call it hope or call it torture
But you have to feel a little to get by

Why try to make emptiness an altar?
Make it into something softer, when it’s awkward just as often
And you could just be getting it all wrong

If it’s wrong, you still believe it
If it’s right, you may not need it
If it’s easy, well you don’t know why
If it’s hard, well still it’s worth a try

So you dress it up in Technicolor
Seal in a picture frame
Call it sad or sentimental
Call it strictly ornamental
But it’s killing you and keeping you alive
And you don’t know why


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