November 2006
Agnostic that I am, I find religious references fascinating. One of a few poems I wrote for my poetry workshop that I didn’t end up using.
Return once to the gypsy highway,
The purple moor, return again
To the blue horizon, the faceless moon
Again, again to the blazing sword
Which turns every way, Jerusalem
In rags, Jerusalem, the house of God
A house of swords, a frame of glass
A gas, expansive, a taut string
God’s own relentless sky embraces
The earth indeterminate erupts
The sun, a rose in mourning
The stars, a house of glass
Return again to the darkly glittering
Morning, electric, rebuilding
The cavern sky, the gypsy moonlight
The faceless moon, the crashing dove
That holds a house of sand upon
Its wings of gypsum rose and gypsy
Moth that floats upon the careless wind
God’s own relentless sky embraces
The house of swords, the frame of glass
Immaculate in waiting fragments, chance
Return, shattering, to the faceless sky,
The gypsy moon, the purple moor
The empty room, the open door
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